Leo Schofield is released from prison. We spent the day with him. Listen to Halfway Home

Leo Schofield is granted parole and will be released from prison on April 30, 2024

BONE VALLEY in development as a scripted TV series

New BONE VALLEY Bonus Episode–we check in with Leo Schofield

BONE VALLEY recommended by Today.com

Gilbert King is interviewed by Kathleen Goldhar for the CBC’s premiere of CRIME STORY

BONE VALLEY wins two Signal Awards

LEO SCHOFIELD LEAVES PRISON to begin Lifers’ program to prepare him for release

VOGUE MAGAZINE Includes Bone Valley in its list of Best True Crime Podcasts


LISA BELKIN from the NY Times writes about Prosecutors and Justice Delayed

LEO SCHOFIELD DENIED IMMEDIATE PAROLE: Will Transition to a Re-Entry Program

Richard Bockman of the Tampa Bay Times does a deep dive into the Leo Schofield case


BONE VALLEY nominated in 3 categories for THE AMBIES AWARDS

David Segal of the NEW YORK TIMES, writes about Judge Scott Cupp and BONE VALLEY

NEW BONUS EPISODE OF BONE VALLEY! “The Lion, the Boat, and the Lighthouse”

Fiona McCann of the IRISH TIMES reviews BONE VALLEY

THE WEEK includes BONE VALLEY in its collection of best true crime podcasts of all time

Henrietta McKervey of the INDEPENDENT in Ireland reviews BONE VALLEY

THE ATLANTIC names BONE VALLEY one of the best podcasts of 2022

Vince Mancini at UPROXX names BONE VALLEY the Best Serialized Non-Fiction Podcast of 2022

The NEW YORKER’s Sarah Larson names BONE VALLEY one of the best podcasts of 2022.

CRIMEWRITERSON includes BONE VALLEY among their best podcasts of 2022.

BONE VALLEY Named Best True Crime Podcast of 2022 by Vulture’s Nicholas Quah


Mara Davis for PASTE MAGAZINE Names BONE VALLEY one of the top 10 podcasts of 2022

Lauren Passell for Lifehacker names Bone Valley one of the top new podcasts of 2022.

Joshua Rhett Miller of the New York Post has written this story about Jeremy Scott’s confessions in the final episode of Bone Valley: Man Confesses to Two Murders on Podcast:

The Innocence Project of Florida has released a petition, calling on 10th Circuit State Attorney Brian Haas to transfer Leo Schofield’s case to a circuit with a Conviction Integrity Unit for review. Please sign, if you are so inclined.

Friday, September 23rd, at 9:00 PM EST.
ABC’S 20/20 ran a 2 hour special on Bone Valley and the Leo Schofield case. Now streaming on Hulu, titled Last Seen in Lakeland.

9/19/22 Gary White of the Lakeland Ledger with a front page story on Bone Valley.
9/16/22 Paul Guzzo of the Tampa Bay Times writes about Bone Valley.
Gary McKechnie of Mount Dora, Florida is organizing an effort to design a bust of Mabel Norris Reese (Chesley) and to have it publicly displayed in Mount Dora. The bust will commemorate Mabel’s journalistic crusades for justice in Lake County, as well as celebrate her courage and determination in the face of forces that resorted to intimidation and violence to silence her. If you are so inclined to donate, please check out Gary’s GoFundMe page. https://www.gofundme.com/remembermabel
More details to come…
Jesse Delbert Daniels, September 25, 1938 – June 21, 2018
Sadly, Jesse Daniels passed has away in Daytona Beach. I wrote an obituary for the Daytona Beach News-Journal, and you can also read Lauren Ritchie’s column about Jesse’s passing in the Orlando Sentinel. There will be a memorial service for Jesse on Sunday, July 8th at 2 pm at the First Christian Church, 326 S. Palmetto Ave., Daytona Beach, FL. The service is open to the public.
The 39 Books We’re Talking About This Summer: Washington Post
11 New Books We Recommend This Week: New York Times, Editor’s Choice
Fearless women, bizarre injustice: Orlando Sentinel feature by Hal Boedeker
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Gilbert King talks race, injustice in 1950s Florida: Tallahassee Democrat story by Andrew J. Skerritt
Jim Crow South Had No Limits: Wichita Eagle op-ed by David P. Rundle
A riveting tale of small-town Southern prejudice — with an unusual twist: Washington Post review by Gary Krist
A Pulitzer winner returns to a Florida county…: Dallas Morning News feature by Chris Vogner
How a Racist Sheriff Railroaded a Disabled Teenager and Got Off: New York Times Book Review by Jeffrey Toobin
Review: ‘Beneath a Ruthless Sun’ by Gilbert King: Minneapolis StarTribune by Jacqui Banaszynski
‘Beneath a Ruthless Sun’ is a wrenching story of bigotry–and an inspiring tale of heroes: The Christian Science Monitor‘s review by Randy Dotinga
Cruelty and Injustice Burn Hot: National Public Radio review by Jean Zimmerman
Author Gilbert King talks about injustice and 2 local heroes: Daytona Beach News Journal feature by Mark Lane
Chronicling Florida’s Racist History: Sarasota Magazine story by David Hackett
Author event showcases Daytona connection in ‘Beneath a Ruthless Sun’: Daytona Beach News Journal story by Jim Abbott
Ruthless Sun’ paints an ugly picture of ’60s Florida: Florida Times Union review by C.F. Foster
A True-Crime Mystery from the 1950s, Fueled by Racism and Corruption: New York Times review by Jennifer Szalai
Listen to the interview on NPR’s Morning Edition with Noel King.
These 2 New Crime Books Are the Latest Examples of Just How Powerful The Genre Can Be: by Sadie Trombetta, Bustle
My friend Evvie Griffin passed away this week. Five years ago, the former Lake County deputy (and later, sheriff) first told me the story of Jesse Daniels, the subject of my new book. “That boy was framed,” Evvie said, and he went on to tell me how it was done. I spent countless hours with him, sharing meals and touring the county in his pickup. Toward the end, he would call me every other day. “How’s that book coming?” he’d ask. I finally sent him an advance hardcover and he died days later. I think he held out long enough for his family to read it to him. I’m saddened that I won’t ever get to visit with him again. He was larger than life, tough but fair, and loved by nearly everyone who knew him. (Willis McCall did not care for him.)
Here’s a lovely story about Evvie and me by the writer, James Dale: http://www.themayborn.com/article/road-well-traveled
Colette Bancroft of the Tampa Bay Times reviews Beneath a Ruthless Sun: Review: Gilbert King’s ‘Beneath a Ruthless Sun’ a compelling, horrifying look at Florida’s racist history
Lauren Ritchie writes about Beneath a Ruthless Sun in the Orlando Sentinel: Commentary: Pulitzer-winning author Gilbert King releasing second book detailing injustice in Lake County
Sadly, Noel “Evvie” Griffin, former Lake County Sheriff, passed away on Monday, April 16 at the age of 89. I’ll write more about him soon, but Lauren Ritchie wrote a column about Evvie’s passing in the Orlando Sentinel: Commentary: Former Lake County Sheriff Noel ‘Evvie’ Griffin, who professionalized agency, dies at 89
Vice published an excerpt from Beneath a Ruthless Sun on the story of Virgil Hawkins: Racists in Florida Kept this Man from Becoming a Lawyer for 30 Years